


8-900 grammes of chicken breast

1 aubergine (eggplant)

1 courgette (squash/zucchini)

3 stalks of celery

3-4 carrots

4-6 champignons (mushrooms)

1 onion

2 cloves of garlic

3 cans (1200 grammes) of chopped or peeled tomatoes

Olive oil

basil (and/or thyme)

Salt, pepper


Step 1

Cut the aubergine in slices 1 cm thick. Sprinkle the slices with salt and leave them for 20 mins in order for the salt to absorb the bitter juice. After this, scrape off the salt and juice with a knife, and cut the slices into squares,.

Step 2

While you wait for the above mentioned, cut the rest of the ingredients: Cut the carrots, champignons and celery in slices, cut the squash in squares, cut the onion in cubes and the garlic in thin slices.

Step 3


Cut the chicken breast in cubes, 2 centimetres on each side.

Step 4

Heat the olive oil in a big pot with a wide bottom.

Step 5

Fry the carrots, celery, garlic and onion at high temperature, while you stir. Add the basil as you go.

Step 6

Add the chicken breast, keep stirring until the surface of the meat becoms light brownish. Add pepper.

Step 7

Add the aubergine, champignons and squash, keep stirring until all ingredients have touched the oil.

Step 8

Add the tomatoes. If nessescary, add a little water, until everything is just about covered. 

Step 9

Add salt and let it boil for an hour or so. When you can cut through carrots and meat with a wooden spoon, the cooking is finished.

Step 10

Blend. Serve. Freeze the rest.